Kiva Bassett Acupuncture
I am dedicated to easing your pain and tension with responsive, safe, and effective natural health care. By restoring balance and nourishing vital energy, acupuncture treatments address any current symptoms while also strengthening the body as a whole in order to prevent future illness. My goal is to offer a comfortable, supportive space where we can work together to alleviate any issues that diminish your enjoyment of everyday life.

Healing. Balance. Energy. Focus. Strength.

Through my acupuncture practice, I help clients meet and surpass their wellness goals, promoting healing and reaching one’s fullest potential.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are some of the oldest health care practices in the world, originating in Asia more than 3,000 years ago. Their efficacy in the treatment of symptoms and illnesses both physical and mental has been repeatedly validated by research. The National Institute of Health recognizes a number of conditions that are successfully treated by acupuncture. I have worked with patients treating addiction and dependence issues, ADHD, anxiety, back pain, joint pain, digestive disorders, colds and the flu, IBS, migraines and women’s health issues, among others.

About Kiva

About Me
Kiva Bassett is a licensed acupuncturist traveling with her husband and two sons in the Foreign Service. She received her Masters of Acupuncture from the Tai Sophia Institute for the Healing Arts (now known as Maryland University of Integrative Health), the oldest accredited acupuncture program in the United States. Prior to traveling with her family, Kiva worked at Kinetikos in Lawrence Kansas, The Spectrum Center for Natural Medicine and The Tai Sophia Silver Spring Clinic in Maryland.
Kiva’s interest in acupuncture began when she was a child. Her mother took her to see an acupuncturist who had been practicing for several decades, and she was immediately enthralled by her power and wisdom. Later on in life, working as a behavioral therapist with children with autism for over ten years, Kiva enrolled in a three-year Five Element acupuncture program at Tai Sophia (MUIH). This experience was truly rewarding and provided an opportunity to practice in the clinic while learning in the classroom.
Prior to becoming an acupuncturist, Kiva volunteered for the US Peace Corps in Bangladesh where she taught English, sanitation skills, and women’s rights. Kiva also took time off from her Peace Corps program to volunteer in Bali, Indonesia as a birthing assistant.
Kiva’s acupuncture practice has been located in Maryland, Kansas, Banjul, Buenos Aires, Manila, and now back to Brunswick Maryland. Kiva’s acupuncture practice moves with her which means it is very mobile. She is able to do home visits quite easily. She looks forward to meeting you and aiding in your quest for improved health.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the pain-less methods used by Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners to treat patients holistically. [Fun Fact: The actual word itself is Latin for needle (acus) and puncture (punctura).] Its first use dates back to the second century BCE. But what is truly interesting is that the theory behind its application actually evolved from the ancient study and use of, what we now call, Chinese Herbal Medicine. When did the ancient Chinese start studying Chinese Herbal Medicine? – roughly five THOUSAND years ago! Simply amazing.
What does an acupuncture session involve?
A typical treatment involves the insertion of very fine, sterile, single-time-use needles into designated pressure points on the body.
How often should I receive treatments?
For the first 4 to 6 visits, I request that we meet on a weekly basis, so we can evaluate how treatment will better serve you. Eventually, most people in good health receive acupuncture a few times a year to maintain wellness and ease the transition of the seasons.
How long do treatments usually last?
The first visit is usually about 1 to 1.5 hours and the remaining treatments are around 1 hour.
What is Qi?
Central to ancient Chinese theory is the thought that we have Qi (vital energy/innate force) that flows throughout our entire body. The ancient Chinese believed that Qi is the substance behind our ability to move and protect ourselves from diseases and pain. It was believed that an individual’s health was dependent on the balance, quantity and quality of their Qi. When Qi moves throughout your body freely, you will reap the benefits of good mental, physical and emotional health. When your Qi is stuck (or “stagnant”) then parts of your body are no longer nourished with vital energy, thus dis-ease ensues.
How should I dress for my appointment?
Please dress comfortably.

"There is no one on Earth I'd rather have stick needles in my body than Kiva Bassett. She healed my hand when it was hurt and then, a year later, healed my foot. I'm a generally private and reserved person and Kiva treated me with distance and professionalism. I don't miss much about Argentina, but I definitely miss Kiva Acupuncture. "
– R.H.
"I was recommended to Kiva when I was pregnant. I was having such a difficult pregnancy with nausea and fainting spells for the whole 9 months. Kiva was the only one that gave me relief to at least be able to function. She was so gentle, so calm most of all - so good! Her acupuncture works wonders. :)"
– D.P.
"Kiva changed my life and my relationship to my body. Having lost a baby five months into my pregnancy, I was both happy and terrified when I became pregnant two months later. What Kiva taught me about my body through acupuncture helped me have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy birth experience. And then the treatment I received in repairing my body after 18 months of pregnancy was lifesaving. I can honestly say Kiva is magic. "
– U.Q.
"About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with a bulging disc in my neck. I tried 3 different chiropractors, did several months of physical therapy, did several months of massage therapy, and then did 2 epidurals in my neck. I still could not move my neck freely without pain. Some coworkers suggested acupuncture. They knew I probably would be resistant to trying it so they bought me a gift certificate for 3 sessions with Kiva. By the end of the 3 sessions I was getting some nice relief so I continued for a few months. By the time I finished with her my neck was back to normal and hasn’t been a problem since. Recently I have had some discomfort in my lower back. I wish Kiva was back in Lawrence because I would go to her immediately. "
– J.N.
Kiva Bassett
13 W Potomac St
Brunswick, MD 21716